My Montage

My task was to create a montage that has a pop song in the background as I am focusing on the genre pop for my final music video.
I decided to focus on nature as I found this was the best link to my chosen song Paradise by Coldplay. I included a variety of camera angles such as close up shot, pan shots and tracking shots. I decided to use more than one camera angles because I wanted to show my skills and that I am capable of using a range of angles making my video better. The shots I took fit very well with my music choice as the music wasn't fast and my shots moved at a similar speed making the music fir in the background well.
The shots were taken in a few different locations to include a lot more than just the same things as I shot mostly nature, I didn't want to just film trees and the sky to I incorporated people within my montage and I also got close ups of plants to show something different. I did not edit the lighting effects or the colours of each shot as I found that they were already good without them. One effect I did use was slow motion of one of the shots of the trains as this part of the music was slow so I slowed down the movement of the train to make more of an effect. I then added in another video of the train but in its normal speed when the music sped up. I did not use any different transitions whilst editing my video as I felt that it looked better when it just  moved to the next shot filmed.
Unfortunately the quality of my video isn't to the standard I hoped as when I was filming all the videos were very clear at a high standard but once I put them in to a video the quality of the shots dropped making my video not look as good as expected. Another mistake I made was I filmed one of my shots portrait meaning it was the other way around compared to my other shots. I tried using my editing software called Imovie to turn it around but it did not work.


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    1. Thank you Kallum, i could add a few other more complicated shots to show my filming skills.

  2. You used a wide variety of filming techniques in order to draw the viewers attention. The most eye-catching shot was the train clip where you used slow motion very well.

    1. Thank you for viewing my blog post and thank you for the comment.


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