complications- cast

There has been a complication to one member of my cast being able to be a part of my music video meaning I would have to find a replacement who is at a similar age and looks similar to the older character who is playing him.
I received an email from the casts parent explaining why he can no longer participate.

Due to this complication I have decided to email one of my previous auditions asking whether they would still like the role now that there is no one to take this role. All the people who auditioned were great and were all suited to my music video but I have chosen to select this particular person to fill this position because they fit the role the best and also fit the age and looks.

This is my new member of the cast, Pharrell will be playing the role of the younger character who grows up. Pharrell is 5 years old which makes him a good age for the story line of my music video and he also looks similar to the older male character i am using so it makes the audience understand that my music video is showing the characters growing up.


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