Shot list

A shot list is made so that the director and producer can easily see the type of shot and camera angles that are needed for each scene. This makes the process a lot easier and quicker as there will be a sheet to guide the producer and director with what shot they will need to use next. If a director and producer did not have a shot list they may find it much more difficult to think what shot is next and what order it goes in and it overall makes the process of filming more time consuming.
The shot list is in order of the scenes which makes it easier to understand, the list contains lots of different information such as the shot number, location, shot type, camera movement and shot description. This helps sets a visual guide for the producers when filming helping them understand what they need to film and how they need to film it.

Some examples of shots I will be doing are:
close ups shots- some examples of when i will be using close up shots are:
  • zoom in to the photos which then play into a video 
  • close up of tear falling from the girls eye and closes eye and screen turns black- last shot
  • younger children playing in the park- zoom in of smiles, feet
  • empty dark park sat alone- close up shots alone 
Pan shots- Some examples:
  • Characters are sat on a set of swings and camera moves and one character is gone once the camera comes back.
  • camera  moves across horizontally to show the two characters on either side of a wall. 
Over the shoulder shot- Some examples:
  • opening the book- filled with Polaroids
  • school scenes- walk past each other- over the shoulder view 
  • text message typed and then deleted- over the shoulder zooming in to the phone
Long shot/ Wide shot- Some examples:
  • Characters walking across a field apart from each other 
  • Younger characters walking holding hands 
  • Characters sat on swing set
  • finding book- out of a old box swiping the dust away 
Mid shot- Some examples:
  • Character walking alone- camera set up slightly below brick wall
I found that this will help me a lot as when it comes to filming my music video I can easily look at my shot list to know what shots and angles I will need to take. This just speeds up the process of filming and I wont forget any shots that I need to film meaning that I wont be short of anything. If i didn't have a shot list I wouldn't know what I need to film and how I need to film it. 


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