Statement of intent

I am creating a pop music video that targets mainly teenagers from the age of 15 and up. My music video is based on two younger toddler friends, a boy and a girl, who have grown up together most of their lives which makes them the best of friends. This drastically changes as they get older and slowly start to move on with new friends and begin to lose their friendship. This mainly impacts the female characters as she notices her friendship isn’t what it used to be, this is when she looks through an old memory book that they made as children.

Music choice 
I have chosen to use the song “give me love” by Ed Sheeran. I have chosen to use this song because this particular artist tends to have a strong message in his music which is what I am trying to create in my music video, therefore this song will really help with this. Also some of the lyrics to the song fit well with the idea of my music video which really helps portray my idea that I am trying to show to the audience.

Filming/ camera work
I am planning on using a variety of different camera shots and angles. Some examples of these are close up shots, pan shots, wide shots and mid shots.

I am going to edit all my clips together to make each clip transition together smoothly, I may also slow down some of the clips to make it have more of an impact on the audience as my music video is aiming to make an impact on how people feel.

I want to have the lighting change throughout the music video, I want the lighting to be very bright and sunny outside when the two younger characters are having fun but when the characters get older and start feeling sad that they have lost each other I want the lighting to be dull with little light to help portray the characters feelings.

Makeup/ costume 
I have decided to dress the characters in casual clothes as my video is showing the characters in their everyday life, therefore this makes it easier to prep for the filming and the younger characters will feel more comfortable filming in casual clothes

I am going to be filming my music video is open public areas such as a park and then I will be filming in a garden and in someone’s home where I can use a bedroom/ playroom for the two younger characters to play in to show how the two younger characters use to spend their time together. This is easy for me to get permission as I have lots of people that I can ask for permission to film in their property and then I am freely able to film in public areas as long as I am respectful of the people around me. These locations also fit in well with my music video idea as this is where children tend to play together therefore these are relevant to my music video story line.


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