My improved idea

I have slightly changed my music video as I want my music video to have more of a meaning and an impact on people. I also want to portray a strong message within the way I create my music video, this is why I have made some changes to help create this message.
The changes I have made are the music video was mainly based on how the older girl felt about the loss of her friendship between her best friend but now I have decided to  show the impact it has on the male older character as males are seen to come across as tough people who can cope with their emotions but I am going to be showing that its okay for them to show their emotions and it doesn't change the way they are if they do. Therefore I am going to be showing how the older male character copes with his emotions of losing his friendship with his best friend he has grown up with. 
I am going to have the older male character looking through a old memory/ scrap book that was made when they were younger, in this book there are pictures from when they were younger together and he is going to be thinking about all the best memories they had together. The male character is also going to be comparing what their friendship is like now to what is use to be which is why I am going to use clips showing how their friendship is and then using clips of their memories from when they were younger.  
I am going to include clips of the male character trying to bring himself to save his friendship but not being able to do it. I am going to do this by filming the male character writing a letter to the female character and then scrunching it up because he is scared to give it to her. 
I am hoping that this music video makes some awareness that it is okay for boys to show emotion as it is stereotyped that only girls should. To make it clear on what message I am trying to portray I am going to end it on a black screen with text quoting "its okay for boys to cry"
I have also created another mood board to create a better understanding of what my new idea is going to be like. Most of the music video will stay the same but I have now decided to focus on the older male character and to create a message that its okay for boys to show their emotions. 


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