Pop music video research

camera angles 

pan shots

A pan shot is the movement of the camera from one side to the other, the camera usually moves horizontally. In music videos this tends to capture the scenery by moving across left or right to get this in one shot or it can be used to follow the character in the music video. The example I have shows this pan shot follows the artist moving across to the right.
I partially like this camera angle because it fits in a large proportion of a scene in one shot such as the scenery.

tracking shots

A tracking shot is the movement of the camera along side the object it is moving with, for example the camera could be filming from inside a car filming the view from outside the window. The example of a tracking shot I have used is a boy riding his bike, the main focus is the boy and his bike which is what the camera is focusing on. this is a very easy shot as you can set up your recording device up in the window of a vehicle and drive along to get a moving shot that focuses on something outside such as a bike rider.

close up shots

A close up shot is when the the whole camera lens is filled with an object, this is usually a persons face. the purpose of this is to capture the characters feelings and reaction from their facial expressions. This is a very easy way to express the feelings of the artists or characters in the music video, these expressions tend to also have an impact on the viewer making them feel differently depending on the feeling the video is trying to create. This example i have used shows the feeling of the artists easily due to the close up of her face clearly showing her expressions.

lighting and colour 

As seen from the example you can see that there is very little lighting and that that the video is in black and white. This helps the viewer understand and feel the emotion of the artist/ other characters involved in the video. This video is in black and white and the lighting is very dark which immediately shows that the artist is sad and very emotional and this song may be based on a sad topic.

This music video is very different to the first example, this is because in this music video there is colour and there is a lot of bright lighting. This songs is about love but she is very happy unlike the other music video where she is very upset because she has lost her love. The use of lighting and colours shows that the artist is very happy and is having fun, without hearing the song and just by watching the video you can easily see this.


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