Email/Letter- filming permission

I am going to filming in mostly public areas which means I do not need to get permission to film in the areas i just have to ensure that i do not film any members of the public who are not included in the music video as they may not want to be filmed, this could cause members of the public to get upset and complain. The areas I am filming in are public parks, streets, houses owned by myself and people included in the video and fields.

One location where I need to get permission is my school, The Misbourne school, as I will be doing some filming of the characters in their school uniform on the school site. I need permission from the school as they may not agree that it is suitable to film on site as it could cause a lot of disruption to lessons going on and it may cause problems with the teachers.

My email to the school:

Response from the school:

As you can see from the response email I received from the school above I am able to film on the school site as long as I respect lessons, teachers and students which I will do. This helps me a lot as I can film some of my shots on the school sites to help get my story line across to the audience of the characters in my music video growing up and one main stage of growing up is going to school.
